General Musings

As 2025 dawns we won't miss 2024 too much. #Devon

Simon's Racing & Devon Diary #9 Welcome 2025

To say that my blogging under this title has been a little tardy would be quite an understatement, it's been almost a year, I only wrote one in 2024. Mind you, I haven't had anyone notice so I'm guessing it doesn't matter that much.  

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'Free Money' Introductory Offers.

We have recently moved home, we were recommended signing up with Octopus and have found them and their customer service to be exceptional, I've no qualms whatsoever recommending them. Especially more now that who ever signs up via this link gets to split £100 as a welcome with them with me, £50 each. Make sure that you are getting a better deal than you already have before you sign though. Use this link to sign up to Octopus -

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Simon's Racing & Devon Life Diary #6

It's been a couple of weeks since my last diary but it's flown, a busy time, I mentioned in my previous blog that I had to go for an angiogram, to see if I have angina or heartburn. I had the procedure, on the morning of The Oaks. An angiogram is where they inject you with dye, put a camera up your artery to see if there are any blockages in the blood flow to your heart. Let's just say that it wasn't too much red wine and pickled onions that caused my chest pain, which was a bit of a shock, but at least I know. The doctor told me I need and an echocardiogram before the surgeons would make their decision as to what to do next. Yes, surgeons, I probably should have cut down on the crisps and pasties, An echocardiogram is a little like what pregnant ladies have to scan their unborn babies and not invasive. The angiogram was a different matter altogether, so no driving for 48 hours after having it which scuppered any plans to drive to Epsom, so I missed the Derby meeting which was a bugger. On the plus side, I have managed to interview Tony Calvin and Johnny Dineen for #BettingPeople since so watch out for them after Royal Ascot.

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Simon's Racing & Devon Life Diary #5

This week was all about the dogs as far as going racing goes. I was at Towcester on Thursday and Friday for the heats of the Star Sports Greyhound Derby. The weather was lovely, it's the start of the biggest greyhound competition of the sport in the UK and it was great fun. Mind you, you wouldn't want to be a bookmaker at the heats. There were plenty of people there but very few of them were betting. There were some lumpy, £1000 and £2000 bets but very little else. There were a couple of races, even with the sponsors where it looked as if they might not take a bet at all. I'm sure it will pick up a bit and I'll be there apart from the meetings that clash with the Derby at Epsom and Royal Ascot. 

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Simon's Racing & Devon Life Diary #4


I was up at York on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. I had an excellent Dante Meeting up there with Star Sports but must admit my heart, as it often is, was at Newton Abbot. Nigel Hawke's Inferno Sacree won again down there. What a superstar he's been for the yard. It was excellent for Nigel that he was winning for the second time in as many runs on ITV and that his training skills had another well-deserved nationwide audience. York also meant that on Thursday I missed the official launch of Hawke Barn,  Katherine and Nigel Hawke's wedding and special event venue. It's a wonderful space, here's their website for more details. HAWKE BARN

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Simon's Racing & Devon Diary #3


It's been a fairly exciting week, I went to Lambourn to visit Mick Fitzgerald to interview him for the Star Sports #BettingPeople series. This one is out now, it was a very frank and at times emotional interview, don't miss it. Last week's was with Irish betting industry character of the highest order Dave O'Reilly who was top class with some tremendous stories. 

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