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Simon Nott Zooms In #5 In-Running Pro-Punter Matt Mantle



Matt Mantle is one of those near impossible creatures, a bit like a bumble bee which I'm told shouldn't be able to fly but does. He is a professional in-running punter who plays from home and has done for years. I've talked to him a couple of times as part of the Star Sports #BettingPeople series, so thought I'd Zoom-In and see how he's been doing since we last chatted. He talks about how things have changed since we last spoke, the 'Expert' charge replacing 'Premium' on Betfair, how he's not interested in drone or fast pictures, Cheltenham festival and racing in general. Betting in running from home, it's the way forward? 

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Simon Nott (6)

I have an affiliate deal with The DragonBet boys who Brett talks about in the interview. James Lovell and his equally handsome but shadow lurking brother David are bookmakers and businessmen in no particular order. They'll smile at you and make happy videos from the racecourses of Wales and beyond, but they are wolves or should I say fire breathing reptiles in sheep's clothing. They may seem like relatively new kids on the block but these guys heave learned their trade from one of the best, their on-course bookmaking father John. The Lovell brothers have been taking on the clever punters in all weathers for decades, do not underestimate them when you wade in. Mind you, if you can land one on their soft underbelly it's going to hurt. They are so confident, they are offering 'free' money for you to have a go at beating them, make them pay. 

                           I'd recommend give them a spin if you fancy taking them on. Bet £20 get £20 offer below. 


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